Welcome to the International Cathedrals Conference!

Researchers of tangible and intangible heritage are cordially invited to participate in a hybrid conference: The conference is hosted by the Wrocław University of Technology and the Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław. The international conference aims to exchange views and deepen topics such as:

The aim of the conference series is to bring the academic community together with the owners or users of cathedrals in Poland and abroad. The main theme of the meetings will be to draw attention to the unique spiritual and historical qualities of these buildings and to emphasize responsibility for their condition. An important role will also be played by the popularization of the latest research and conservation methods. We invite original submissions from a variety of fields, shedding new light on the general themes of the conference. The call for abstracts is addressed to academic researchers at all career levels, PhD students, and independent researchers. After the conference, it is planned to publish the papers in the journals: "Architectus" and "Wrocław Theological Review". The conference formula foresees on-site and online (zoom) presentations. In the event of a desire to present live in Wrocław, travel and accommodation costs will be covered by participants.

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